Didn't cross anything off the list this weekend. I did book a few things to-do in the near future but felt like I wasted a perfectly good weekend by not doing anything new. Or exciting. Or worth mentioning. Strike two.
The gymnasium (or fitness centre) magnet door locked up and could not/would not open. Guess what side of the door I was on? Enough said. Strike three.
And honourable mention goes to... My next door neighbors are noisy. They speak in loud voices, spend a lot of time going in and out to the balcony and in general, just make a lot of banging noises. This is not a surprise. The shower door. As I mentioned before, the doors here are somewhat tricky (where we pull, they push... remember?). This particularly shower door is a no-win situation. Push or pull, it is impossible not to soak the floor. Did I mention the floor is tile? Slippage is a daily occurrence.
On a happy note, it was Chinese New Year. Thank God, as I momentarily thought I had stepped out of the Woolworth's and into a riot. Then I figured out all the loud popping noises were not an attack but people celebrating the year of the Rabbit. Sounded like the year to buy ear plugs but I guess if you like loud noises that make it sound like you are in the middle of a war zone then this is the celebration for you. After passing on the bananas which were an amazing $5.98 a pound (thank you cyclone Yasi), I was going to head to the farmers market to see if I could find some fresh fruit that maybe cost a hand or maybe a foot rather than an arm and a leg. But the parade of people was a little too much for me so I opted to head back to the hotel and lock myself in the gym instead.
The tram was overly crowded and I was challenged to maneuver with my 2 bags of groceries whilst stepping over prams, backpacks, and people in general to make it to the door before the driver decided that someone had pulled a fast one on him (you see, you have to pull a cord or push a button to signal the driver that you want him to stop). Just getting to the button was a challenge as I almost landed in a gentleman's lap.
So I felt like I struck out this weekend as several intended plans fell through. And I figured out that tentative plans tend to remain just that. So, I proactively booked a tour of the Great Ocean Road for Thursday (best weather day for this upcoming week) and Mary Poppins tickets for Friday night. This still leaves Saturday in Melbourne as I don't head back to Sydney until Sunday morning (early again... what was I thinking?!). All I know is that I have to figure it out soon or I'll be kicking myself once again for letting valuable time pass me by.
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