Monday, February 7, 2011

The Ugly Truth

As I sit through another program, I am compelled to share some not so fun facts of Australia that aren’t in the tourist books. To be honest, I’m beginning to wonder if it’s me (yes, this is a rhetorical question). I’ve heard that there may be some life lessons I should be learning, but apparently I’m not getting the message as some pretty significant obstacles continue to get in my way.

Yummy [NOT]!
Take lunch today. Yes, I am well aware that I’m a picky eater. Old news. Whilst I’m willing to try food, it is not willing to try me. I continually run into opportunities to try new food however, it is rare that I find something I truly like. Texture is an issue for me. I have a very strong gag reflex and well, that's all you need to know. Trust me on this one. So our client serves sandwiches every day for lunch. There are heaps of choices (heaps – a top 10 favourite Aussie word) but all involve some form of spread that is mayonnaise-based and full of strange vegetables and/or meat by-products. The same sandwiches – cut in quarters and served on a tray. Day in, day out. Just sandwiches, nothing else. At times, there are pitchers of warm apple or orange juice (like the Europeans they have an aversion to ice, even when it is 90 plus outside). However, there is always hot tea and coffee. Even the heartiest of eaters have expressed dissatisfaction in the culinary delights provided so it is not just me. Honest! As usual, the program venue is located in a building in the CBD at a high level. You can count on it taking several minutes for the lift to arrive and I can guarantee that it will stop at every floor on the way down. Sigh. Today, I was in front (off to the side) yet I was the last one off the lift as the stampede behind me managed to push me towards the back (no small feat as I am typically quite agile and hold my ground or push forward as in this case). In general, I find myself to be very self-aware in public of where I’m walking, my pace, and potential barriers that can impede my progress. As the traffic here maintains keeping to the left, I have acquired the habit to do the same on the sidewalk as most of the general public does. Of course, you have those few who are totally oblivious to anything and everyone who seem to forget they are not the only ones on the planet. I side stepped no less than eight people on my way to the exit and body slammed no less than three others who were walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk. So again I wonder, is it me? Should I be the one to navigate around those who refuse to conform (typically younger people with their heads down looking at his or her phone)? Or should I continue to let them bump into me? Am I teaching them a lesson or are they supposed to be teaching me a lesson?

No smoking?!
Stepping outside, I was hoping to warm up but there is the cool breeze that blows in from Philip Bay that foiled my plans but I quickly ducked into McDonald’s next door. 

[Side note: Yes, I did swear that I would not eat at Macca’s (Aussie slang) this trip. However, if it is between McD’s and sandwiches, trust me, I chose the lesser of two evils for the short window I had to grab something.]

The place is crowded – as they all are – so I fell into line with the rest of the business suits to patiently wait my turn. I ordered three chicken strips and a Coke Zero for ‘take away’ as I was uncertain that I could find a place to sit. There were options outside but even if it were warm enough, I cannot stomach eating whilst people are smoking. And they smoke in Australia – a lot – in fact, a lot, a lot. It frustrates me that even when the conditions outside are ideal, the opportunity to sit outside in a smoke-free zone is pretty much non-existent. Even if a cafe posts a no smoking sign, typically they will move outside the seating area to smoke. (As a side note, I'm determined to get a picture of these smokers who stand and smoke under the sign a common occurrence!) And for some reason, the smoke doesn’t seem to understand that it is not suppose to cross that invisible line so it really makes no difference (perhaps the smoke can't read the sign? Yes, folks that is sarcasm). 

Messy, messy!
The other habit that I don’t understand is no one cleans up after themselves. It is amazing to me. I have never seen an Aussie pick up after themselves. I guess it is a cultural thing. There are rubbish bins for your garbage yet they go unused. Typically, you have to clean the table yourself. At least I do;  others just push it aside and sit down. Call me picky but I don’t want to sit at a counter with other people’s trash sitting next to me. Again, is it me or is it them? What is the lesson here?

So that is my bitch fest for today. Really, I’m not cranky – just wondering why I can’t seem to go with the flow and not be continually frustrated with people who are oblivious. I know I’m inpatient – I know this is a life lesson I need to conquer before I pass on – but there are those who continually challenge me in other areas and I wonder what I am suppose to be learning. I need to figure it out or I’m destined to make the same mistakes next time around.

Next time I promise to post the wonderful things about this amazing country (and there are many, many, many great and unique things to enjoy)!!

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